Augie Chase


Augie Chase worked in a nylon factory making parachutes during the early years of World War II but after seeing the billboards that said “Uncle Sam Needs You” and the handsome uniform the woman was wearing, she decided to join the Navy WAVES. Leaving South Carolina for Hunter’s College in New York for basic training, she faced drills, classes and chores with her new-found friends. During a Sunday visit to the city, she met her future husband, Bill Chase from Natick, Mass. After basic, Augie and 200 other women were sent to the Naval Air Station in Millington, Tenn., where she worked her way up from Seaman to Aviation Machinist 3rd Class, working in A&R (assembly and repair of planes). She tells stories of the day-to-day life of women in the Navy with pride, candor and humor.


Augie and Bill Chase on their honeymoon
Augie Chase in front of her barracks, 1943.
Where Augie Chase was stationed.

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